The True Beauty of Kinbaku | Shibari | (Japanese) bondage
RopeMarks, Bob, is a worldwide working Japanese bondage aka kinbaku aka shibari professional located in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
He started studying and specializing himself professionally in Japanese rope bondage (shibari, kinbaku) in 1999. Over his career he studied in the land of the rising sun under the lineage of the late Akechi Denki (明智伝鬼) and Naka Akira (奈加あきら). RopeMarks’ work reflects the traditional techniques taught by these leading nawashi’s but is vastly complemented with his own distinct and unique style.
RopeMarks is recognized as the leading Dutch specialist in the field of Japanese rope bondage. In the world-wide kinbaku scene RopeMarks is a house-hold name of very good reputation.
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[your] workshop was very useful, made me think of “Why?”, which was your purpose, it worked really well
Great workshop on armbinders. I really loved the way you teached this topic.