In May Stefano Laforgia booked us for a weekend in Rome, Italy providing a workshop and show for the Black and Blue night.

We arrived in Rome on Thursday evening and got picked up from the airport by Stefano (where we also stayed during our time in Rome). The Italian airport did cause some trouble since we arrived quite late. The luggage of everybody in the plane was sent to the wrong pick-up-band. Some very bored Italian lady finally brought us to the correct band and when we all got our luggage the airport was closed and we couldn’t get out anymore. In the same bored and annoyed fashion this lady walked all of us around the airport to find an exit, which (thankfully) we did 🙂

Friday, during the day, we had the day off and went for some sightseeing. Honestly, Rome is a beautiful city! Maybe a bit chaotic, loud and most Italians we met were a tad rude but it was wonderful to stroll around and see some of the sights


Friday evening was the actual Black and Blue night party. This was held in a very atmospheric location. The lovely female DJ started the evening with loungy-music but went from there to some very heavy beats that (to my surprise) I enjoyed very much. Usually I don’t pay to much attention to the music, maybe it was the DJ herself… I don’t know :). We met a lot of new people and the rudeness we experienced during the day was all gone that evening. The feeling I got from the evening was one of a big group of close like-minded people. We had a lot of fun 🙂 You would almost forget we had to do a job that evening, but it wasn’t really working, it was fun and the people really appreciated our show. It turned out to be a very, very long night and we (finally) went to bed around 06:30 AM(!)

The next day, Saturday, we got up late, got coffee (triple espresso for me) and food from the local coffee-shop and in good Italian style arrived late at our own workshop 🙂 The workshop wasn’t to busy but that only made it more cosy and friendly. Again the feeling of a close group of like-minded people.

On Sunday we had to leave very early to fly back home (I’m _NOT_ a morning-person), off-course we made a short stop at a coffee-shop (triple espresso) on our way to the airport. There our Rome adventure ended. The general impression is that Rome (Italy) has a small fetish-scene. But the people in the scene are very close, extremely friendly and eager to learn.

Now I forget to mention one thing. Stefano runs the first and only fetish shop in Rome; Alcova. I was happily surprised that their shop has some very good (and I mean _VERY_GOOD_) items for sale. The usual fetish/bdsm items but also the more exotic items could be found there. They know and understand their fetish/bdsm business! 🙂 Kudos!

Something completely different, BoundCon V has happened, the pictures are still pouring in. When most of them are in my possession I’ll create a small gallery for you.

Black and Blue night | Alcova | RopeMarks