Wasteland’s latest edition, the 20 year anniversary, had the live RopeMarks Japanese bondage (shibari, kinbaku) performance installation that lasted for three hours! This installation was set up in cooperation with the bigger names in the Netherlands and Japan; First and foremost Wasteland then there was RopeMarks, Dutch Dame, Amrita, Hibiki (with Karen), ME-Chiel, Haas & Co, Nikki Flames, Kim OnArt and last but definitely not least Abraxas.




To top of this milestone for Wasteland and RopeMarks the Dutch TV network BNN, for the program “Spuiten en Slikken” was there to capture this joyful event and to let RopeMarks have some playtime with the host of the show Gwen.

Tonight, Tuesday February 10, 2015 is the episode where all of this will be aired. Since I have not seen any of this footage yet, I apologize in advance for anything… odd. 


Update: Here is our excerpt of the aired program



Wasteland | RopeMarks | BNN’s Spuiten en Slikken | Gwen van Poorten