Workshop Kinbaku, Getting comfy with the gote

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Kinbaku Workshop, Getting comfy with the gote

When: 29 May 2021, from 13.00 – 17.00.
Level: Beginner++ and intermediate.
Prerequisites: Tying a single and double column tie using a square knot is no problem for you.
Location: Amsterdam (Nieuw West). 
Costs: € 94.95,- per couple.

This is a clothes on, non-sexual workshop, but no doubt you’ll be inspired to bring your new skills into your private intimate play at home. Please wear comfortable clothing and for the bunnies choose a tight fitting outfit.

Please sign up with the partner you’ll be tying with. You can sign up here!

About the gote and the workshop

Probably the most famous element of traditional Japanese bondage (kinbaku) is the gote. Basically ‘ushiro takate gote’ means: hands behind the back. The reason why this tie is so important is because the unwritten rule is that each kinbaku sessions starts with the hands behind the back. And although there are many technical gote recipes out there, there’s no such thing as ‘the’ gote. Or the ‘best’ gote. What the best gote is, will always depends on your intention for the play and on your own preferences for technique and aesthetics.

Two gote styles for endless variations

Now, to get both you and your bunny comfy with the gote, I’ll teach you two different styles for building up your gote’s. Although both of these might seem simple, there are many details to focus on. Where do you place your rope and why? How do you keep tension on the rope, how can you make adjustments? How can you play with aesthetics and of course: how do you connect and communicate with your model before, during and after play? To keep the workshop dynamic and playful we’ll also play with some interesting leg bondages that can be combined with the gote. This way you can immediately start experimenting with connecting the upper and lower body. Get ready for some fun in action!

Here are some examples of ushiro taketekote and gote variations:

What this workshop is not about

This is not a suspension workshop. I will show you briefly how to proceed from the gote to attaching the 4th rope that you need for suspensions, but: my vision is that you should first be completely comfortable with tying and untying the gote in floorwork. If you feel ready for a next step, you’re welcome to sign up for my follow up workshops.

For who?

This course is for you if tying a single and double column tie using a square knot is not a problem, but also if you want to refresh and solidify your kinbaku foundation.


Topics that we will address are:

  • Gote without stem
  • Gote with stem
  • Floorwork
  • Untying
  • Anatomy & safety
  • Communication

Each topic will include safety information, details to improve your rope handling, specific techniques to improve your tying and to deepen the connection with your partner. During the workshop there’ll be plenty of room for experimenting and personal advice.

The topics are aimed at kinbaku foundations and can be upscaled when the level of the participants and the available time allows for this. With the simpler ties you can switch roles, with the more complex ties switching is not possible anymore.

The practicalities & COVID-19

In every workshop safety comes first. The location is approximately 80m2 and with a maximum of 7 couples we can keep enough distance from each other. The space we’re in has a powerful extraction system that completely refreshes the air every 7 minutes. On top of that we can open opposing windows for continuous fresh air.

This workshop will be held in the Dutch language, but if needed we switch to English.

Please come as a rigger and bunny couple. Bring at least 6 pieces of rope, 8m in length, 6mm thick. We have coffee and tea. If you want something else to drink bring it in a bottle/container that you can close.

If you need rope, follow this link:

I want to participate

Great! Public registration opens 22 Jan. 2021 at 20:00 CET (That is 8 O’clock in the evening local Amsterdam, Netherlands time).

To reserve your spot, follow the link.

After your registration you will receive an email with further details about the location.

Please consider marking yourself as going on FetLife and Facebook.

If you want to beat the queue for participating in future events consider subscribing to my mailing list. Subscribers get first opportunity to participate in our events.


For questions about this workshop, please send an e-mail to

Who’s RopeMarks?

RopeMarks (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) a.k.a Bob Roos started studying and specializing himself professionally in Japanese rope bondage (shibari, kinbaku) in 1999. Over his career he studied under the lineage of the late Akechi Denki (明智伝鬼) and Naka Akira (奈加あきら) in the land of the rising sun. RopeMarks’ work reflects the traditional techniques taught by these leading nawashi’s but is vastly complemented with his own distinct and unique style.

RopeMarks is recognized as the leading Dutch specialist in the field of Japanese rope bondage. In the world-wide kinbaku scene RopeMarks is a house-hold name of very good reputation.

RopeMarks has been teaching Japanese rope bondage around the globe, from Europe to the USA and all the way to the country of origin, Japan.

Using the name RopeMarks Ryū he provides real, fun, hands-on, courses, classes, lessons and workshops in Japanese rope bondage (aka shibari or kinbaku) worldwide.

COVID-19 & Refunding

Since we’re all still affected by COVID-19 and should we reach a point where I have to cancel, also last minute, you will be refunded in full.  When the cancellation comes from your side, you will be fully refunded up to two weeks before the start date. Within two weeks you will receive a 85% refund, in the last week you will receive a 70% refund. You can always replace yourself for another couple, then you will then be fully refunded. This scale has to do with the costs I incur to set up this workshop. When you do need to cancel for COVID-19 reasons I will do some calculations and when I keep getting out of the costs when refunding you in full, I’ll do that.

When this workshop takes place I ask you to respect the corona rules and keep a safe distance from other participants as much as possible. The corona rules are not making workshops easier, but with this space and their ventilation system we comply with the rules. I go one step further and provide more space for you to enjoy the workshop than is prescribed by the government. From my end this workshop will take place. However, if the location itself decides to cancel then of course I go along with their decision.

This is as open and concrete as I can make it at the moment.

Looking forward to tie with you!



Monday 1 Feb. 2021

We got a notice from  our workshop location, their hand is forced and they have made the hard decision to close their doors for the remainder of the current lockdown. Practically this means that if on 9 Feb. the government decides to continue the current lockdown passed 21 Feb., our workshop date, we have to postpone this gote-workshop. In the event that this is the case we have an alternative date for this workshop

14 March 2021 from 13:00 to 16:00.

Sunday 7 Feb. 2021

The decision is, forcibly, made. We have to move the date of this workshop to

14 March 2021 from 13:00 – 16:00. 

Saturday 27 Feb. 2021

The COVID-19 update press conference by our prime minister has not changed anything that is beneficial for us. That means the status quo is forcing us to look for a new date. We have found one far ahead enough that we expect to provide this workshop. The date is

17 April 2021 from 14:00 – 18:00

A keen eye might see we added another hour to the workshop. We feel this is the least we can do to compensate.

Thursday 25 Mar.2021

The last government press conference extended the current rules. Our location is therefore still unable to open. We have moved this workshop up to 

29 May 2021 from 13:00 – 17:00

From our side this is the last time we move it. If we have to move again we will cancel this workshop. In that situation the current participants will have first choice to participate when we re-plan.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Good news! The relaxation of the rules allows us to proceed with this workshop on the current planned date

29 May 2021 from 13:00 – 17:00

All registered participants and people on the waiting list will receive an email in the coming days.


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