Getting intimate with RopeMarks

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For the next Russian “Shibaru” community gathering Nick Freerider has organised a virtual “getting intimate with RopeMarks” event.

The “Shibaru” community is, in their own words

The main idea of ​​our community is to create a platform for discussing various aspects of bondage and other related areas of BDSM, joint development and communication.” 

The community was followed by a, printed, magazine with the same name “Shibaru”.

This event will be held in Russian. Since my Russian is a but rusty there will be an interpreter present for the English <-> Russian translation. We don’t have a strict program but expectations are there is an exchange of differences and similarities between the Russian and European (bondage) scene, a demonstration and a Q&A. We follow the flow and see where we end up, it looks to be a very interesting happening so far!

Nick Freerider & RopeMarks приглашае вас на запланированную Shibaru Zoom конференцию.

Zoom link:
(click, do not copy/paste)

Идентификатор конференции: 748 113 8788
Код доступа: pUf9mj


Nick Freerider | Shibaru | Xenia | RopeMarks

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