Past Events

Onawa Asobi, Europe

Shibari Lounge Sergeyselsstraat, 42, Antwerp, Belgium

RopeMarks will perform at the Onawa Asobi Europe event. The artists Who’s RopeMarks? RopeMarks, Bob Roos, is a kinbaku professional from Amsterdam, who has been tying professionally for the past [...]

RopeMarks Ryu #0, Kinbaku foundations workshop

Rainbow Center - Center for queer culture 19 Rue du St Esprit, Luxembourg City, Ville-Haute, Luxembourg

The Workshop Level: Starter. Prerequisite: None. This is a custom-made kinbaku foundations workshop for the Rainbow center in Luxembourg. Please directly contact the Rainbow center organization if you are interested [...]


RopeMarks Ryu #1, Kinbaku essentials workshop.

RopeMarks dōjō C Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

You can sign up here! The Workshop Level: Beginner / strong beginner Prerequisite:   rigger: single column ties, double column ties and frictions are your bread and butter (these will [...]


Playful & Dirty Kinbaku with RopeMarks and the Shady Lady

Subspace studio, Prague J. Plachty 566/5, Prague, 5-Smíchov, Czech Republic

The Shady Lady was introduced as ‘a slightly perverted lady’ by Soptik at the start of RopeMarks’ and her performance at the Prague Shibari Festival in 2023. This apparently turned [...]

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