Chiba (千葉) family name,
Eizo (曳三) first name
Chiba Eizou is a popular rope artist who does performances, SM videos, creates articles for SM Sniper and supervises the Tanbikai group. He seems fascinated by both the works and philosophy of Itou Seiu and by nose hooks. Personally, I think Chiba Eizou, like Shima Shikou or Ranki Kazami, seems to fall on the harder SM-ish end of Kinbaku.
The Tanbikai group’s profile of Chiba says:
“Chiba is a rope artist who admits he was born a sadist. Since elementary school, he was absorbed in reading SM magazines like Kitan Club and UraMado (until they were discontinued). Chiba spent his youth immersed in his own strange habits. This was an era when tying and tormenting women was scorned as unacceptable, unlike nowadays when SM is acknowledged as sexual variation and has been fashionized. He yearned to find a tortured woman to such an extent that his soul was condensed and sharpened until it crystallized into something of supreme beauty.
During that time, images fostered his sensitivities. It has become Chiba’s basis even now. SM, as far as Chiba is concerned, is the disparity in life between men who thirst to torture and women who thirst to be tortured.”
As Chiba would say, the general beauty of things like “nose torment” or “human water fountains” produce vastly different impressions, but just as a water lily blooms from the mud, the genuine beauty of these things aren’t lost in the filth, and they’re nothing but a manifestation of Chiba’s views.
“Itou Revisited” was his first live theme in 1994. Thereafter, he performed “Itou Legends – Prologue,” “Itou Legends” and “Two Itous” live,” and he seeks out the late Itou Seiu’s sentiments and behavior. In SM Sniper, he serializes the “entrusted training series” (currently being continued in the magazine).”
Tanbikai (Aesthetics Association) describes itself as:
“Tanbikai, officiated by the rope artist Chiba Eizou, gathers to pursue “The Beauty of Torture.” Aesthetics [?? “tanbi”], is namely to be “obsessed by beauty.” It’s sensing above all else the beauty in the figure of the tormented woman, and so if people indulge themselves, they will acquire numbers of companions of all types, sexes and ages. “Chiba Eizoh’s Kinbaku Live” occurs on an irregular basis (around once a year), primarily as a live quest for Itou Seiu. [i.e. Itou’s ideal of “Beauty in Suffering.”] “Tanbikai’s Nose Torture Party” is a photography group for and by nose torture fans that occurs once every three months in Roppongi. Membership fee is 15,000 Yen each meeting.”
Chiba has videos out with SM Sniper, and he’s also appeared in videos for Cinemagic and for the label calling itself Kitan Club Video. SM Sniper has a sample video on its site which includes a brief visual of Chiba recreating an Itou-inspired inverted suspension of a pregnant woman. This is definitely another one of the “Do not do this at home” videos.
H. (DemonSix)
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