Japanese: 道場 dō: Way, path jō: Place A dōjō is a Japanese term which literally means "place of the way". See also: Koryū
Japanese: 道場 dō: Way, path jō: Place A dōjō is a Japanese term which literally means "place of the way". See also: Koryū
Japanese: 褌 A traditional Japanese undergarment for males and females, made from a length of cotton. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundoshi
Japanese: 柱縛り Hashira (柱): A generic term for any type of pillar, column, post, pier and strut; the basic members of Japanese timber architecture. Ki (木) : tree [...]
Japanese: 変態 Hen (変): Strange, out of the ordinary. Tai (態): ?? Used as naming a pervert or their fetishes/kinks/perversions.
Honorifics are terms or titles used to address a person, describe a person or address the position a person uses. In the west we normally use the Honorific title as [...]
Japanese: 放置 In the context of Japanese rope bondage this describes leaving the model tied to enjoy/suffer in the bondage predicament.
Kamoi (鴨居) Shiki-i (敷居) Kamoi refers to the upper part of a wooden frame that is grooved to fit fittings such as sliding doors (fusuma) and paper windows (shoji). A [...]