The wheather is s*ck! It’s raining and the forecast is not looking positive. Luckily for tommorow we have some things planned that take place inside (in Osaka, not Kyoto). However, it is not tommorow yet, it is today… Monday april 10, 11nd day in Japan, fourth day in Kyoto.

Totally against our normal way of “doing” vacation we have planned to participate in a group-activity, a guided walk through parts of Kyoto. Actually, a guided walk through parts of Kyoto that would be very difficult to see or do if you do not speak the language (at all!); which would explain our reason for taking this walk. Our guide is Mr. Hajime Hirooka (a.k.a. Johnnie Hillwalker!!!).


During the walk it is clear that Mr. Hajime is a walking encyclopedia for Kyoto, a city he obviously loves very much, especially the “old days”.

rm20060410_9430, his walk, his information and the parts of Kyoto (outside and inside) he took us are wonderful, it would be even better if it wouldn’t have rained…

