We’ve been without internet connection the last couple off days (feels like we’ve been on a survival instead of relatively luxurious round-trip :). So I’ll post a number of blogs all at once.

img_2324Las Vegas, Nevada, USA… First impression; you’ve gotta see it to believe it. It’s impressive, loud, fake and so much more (or less, depending on your point of view). Honestly, I don’t know what to think off Vegas, just make up your own mind, go see it! 🙂 In Vegas we’ve seen New York, Venice, went on top of the stratosphere and some of its rides, done the Star Trek Experience, gaped at the grannies smoking and drinking behind the slot-machines (slot sluts?:), did the freemont experience (and saw more grannies doing some betting, smoking and drinking), visited a few fetish shop (and bought new toys :), went to “KA” the new Cirque du Soleil, played black jack (because my poker skills are sooo below average :), taken a trip to the Hoover dam and indulged in too much Starbucks! 🙂

Next stop; Death Valley…

