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eXtravaganXa, Hamburg, Germany

By |2023-05-12T09:50:08+02:004th September 2015|Categories: Live|

We're trying to process our backlog... It feels like such a futile attempt... before we've processed two months three new months of material appear... *sigh*...  But we love it :) [...]


RopeMarks on your wall

By |2023-05-05T10:32:39+02:006th July 2014|Categories: Artwork, Shop|

Occasionally we receive requests for framed artwork from our extensive portfolio - hmmm... maybe we should formalize that... Usually these requests fall through because unfortunately people underestimate the cost of [...]


London Festival of the Art of Japanese Rope Bondage, 2013

By |2023-06-03T08:32:04+02:0031st August 2013|Categories: Event, Live, RopeMarks Ryu, Workshop|Tags: |

What's in a name? In the end not much, it's content that determines value, but let's use the slightly easier abbreviation: LFAJRB. In the field of content this edition [...]


German Fetish Ball, 2013

By |2023-05-11T20:09:19+02:0021st June 2013|Categories: Event|

There a few German fetish events, my favorite, by far, is the German Fetish Ball in Berlin; this year celebrating its ten year anniversary. This time we rented an [...]


RopeFest 2013

By |2023-05-11T16:48:48+02:0016th June 2013|Categories: Event, Live, RopeMarks Ryu, Workshop|

We received our invitation for RopeFest 2013 the moment the date was set. With the amazing experience we had on the premiere 2012 edition we check our schedule and thought, [...]

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