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Fetish Evolution, 2011

By |2023-05-22T22:58:44+02:006th May 2011|Categories: General|

A bit late with the "report" on Fetish Evolution but I'm busy prepping for BoundCon 2011 and then some... Anyway, Fetish Evolution, FE, was simply brilliant again. Other engagements [...]


RopeMarks Update

By |2023-05-22T21:47:44+02:0011th August 2009|Categories: General, Live, Television|

People, We've been neglecting our website a little! With that I mean that only the necessary actions to keep the site running smoothly have been done. However this does not [...]


German Fetish Ball 2009

By |2023-05-22T21:49:00+02:0022nd April 2009|Categories: Event, General, Live|

After all my ranting kudos to the German Fetish Ball weekend organization! This years German Fetish Ball (GFB) weekend just got confirmed for us. We'll be there during the fair [...]

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