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Fetish Evolution 2009

By |2023-05-22T21:25:12+02:0013th April 2009|Categories: General|

We just returned from the Fetish Evolution weekend (taking a small detour to pick up our new kitten... psycho kitten as I now lovingly like to call her already). Even [...]


Run forest, Run

By |2023-05-22T21:21:11+02:008th April 2009|Categories: General|Tags: |

One moment things are relaxed and we can do projects one at a time and then we get too many things all at once to handle, as is the case [...]


RopeMarks Interactive @ Fetish sins

By |2023-05-21T21:56:21+02:003rd December 2008|Categories: Live|

There is one show that I would like to talk about a little more. During the last Fetish Sins (formerly known as Boudoir Bizarre, same party, different name) we agreed [...]


Nawa Open, 2008

By |2023-05-09T21:34:59+02:0025th May 2008|Categories: Event, Live, RopeMarks Ryu, Workshop|

Slowly, very slowly, life is getting back to normal; not there yet but getting there. More and more I catch myself thinking about future project instead of house-related subjects :) [...]


Kumi Monster and Midori

By |2023-05-21T21:40:09+02:0021st November 2007|Categories: General|

For most of the past week Midori has been in town presenting as a guest teacher at the Dutch (Amsterdam based) contemporary art institute, Das Arts. On the last day [...]

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