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The last days in Tokyo, Japan

By |2023-05-16T08:59:28+02:0018th April 2006|Categories: Japan, Travel|Tags: |

Our final days in Japan (for this year!). We have been doing some shopping in a Kitty-chan store, the Ginza area, the Sony-building (ooooohhh... the goodies :), the Shibuya, Harajuku [...]


Frustration in Osaka, Japan

By |2023-05-16T08:57:40+02:0016th April 2006|Categories: Japan, Travel|Tags: |

Rain, rain, rain... luckily we planned to do inside activity. We packed a bag with nawa-goodies, took our umbrella's went bravely through the rain to Kyoto station to hop on [...]

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