We’ve just returned from a weekend of teaching at Pinse Camp in Denmark, where we had the pleasure to spend two full days with around seventeen rope couples in the intermediate/advanced group.
Our curriculum consisted of different approaches that highlight the ways we like to approach rope: we did some floor ties that allowed plenty of room for BDSM play – which elicited screams, laughs and swears from the models, beautiful (if I may say so) suspension sequences with multiple transitions, some more serious and technical gote and armbinder bootcamps – with a focus on how to make them work for the particular body of the model – and finally some tying with additional bamboo. We also took plenty of time for both of us (and especially for Shady) to talk and ask critical questions about what they and the participants consider ‘good’ rigging and rope modeling alike, without being dogmatic about a ‘One True Way’ to do rope. We’ve also tried to stay away from just showing pretty patterns for the participants to copy (aka the copy-paste way of teaching) but rather focus on elements and concepts and on how to make those your own. Lastly we created lots’ of space for the perspectives and skills of the rope models as well as for personalized feedback. We’ve received very good feedback regarding the workshop, that makes us very happy!
We’ve arrived home with bellies filled with (a little too much) good food – with at least ten different homemade cakes being served during the weekend – BBQ’s and apple cider in the evenings, and plenty of time chilling in the grass of their beautiful campsite in the middle of Danish nature. Ironically most often with a spot in the sunshine for Shady (who loves to tan) and a spot in the shade for RopeMarks (who cannot handle the sun that well).
Thanks to Bo and Ewa of “My Shibari” for the excellent hosting and Haag and Zu for being awesome co-teachers. Most of all, thanks to all the participants of our workshop and people we’ve talked to during the weekend. I always feel like I learn so much about rope from you, and that is the main reason that makes co-teaching so rewarding (and fun!) to do.
Participant testimonials
We got a lot of tools to work with.
We were challenged in a fully packed workshop with so many pointers and funny ties.
I am fan of your style of teaching
an absolute perfect weekend
a very inspiring workshop
this workshop [Pinse Camp, DK] had it all… and even more! It was nerdy, surprising and funny.
what you said are the same things I’m looking for, when I work with the ropes
Thank you for all the inspiration.
I really enjoyed the harmonic mix of good stuff to tie and aspects to go home and reflect on
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