It has been a while, but our second RARE meeting has been held at the beginning of December 2009. Again it was a lot of fun and left us with the good feeling that this concept will work.

As I mentioned before, we are looking for a formula that we can take out of the privacy of our own home and organize a RARE meeting publicly. For this second meeting we made a few changes compared to the first meeting; for instance a separate bondage and talking space and a few more changes. These changes worked. Since this was only the second time we did this new issues to create a “fulfilling” bondage evening came up and we already have plans to change them on the third meeting.

A very preliminary planning is that we are ready to take this out of the privacy of our own house by the end of next year.

Now, for the down side… We did not take any pictures! We were to busy with ropes 🙂

