Aomuke gyaku-ebi zuri, triptych | Club RopeMarks Teaser

Aomuke gyaku-ebi zuri, triptych | Club RopeMarks Teaser

Duration: 01:52 | Views: 390 | Likes: 0

A piece of art, three images of beauty in suffering on a backdrop of the great wave of kanagawa.

The position of the model on each image is similar, the way we dress her up is what creates a new and unique image each time.

The first position is a Japanese look, double tenugui, tabi shoes, bound, suspended, naked and vulnerable.

The second position is a Western look, red ball-gag, kinky high heeled shoes but still very much bound, suspended, naked and vulnerable.

The third position is a very extreme BDSM look, rubber hood, big tight collar, harnass ball-gag and ankle high ballet boots, but still bound, suspended, naked and oh so vulnerable.

A tortures position, supported by only a single hip-rope, all in the name of art, in the name of the

“Hashigata aomuke zuri, triptych”

We also have a series of photo’s

m Dutch Dame
Shoot date: 19 Nov. 2011

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