Kama Medea on the One Bar Prison | Club RopeMarks Teaser

Kama Medea on the One Bar Prison | Club RopeMarks Teaser

Duration: 00:34 | Views: 4,078 | Likes: 0

This is a beautiful two minute clip.

Kama is naked, except for black rubber stocking, high platform heels and a black hood. Her arms are tied by her side and a very, very, heavy-rubber collared is slapped around her neck.

After she is put on the one bar prison, a hard metal dildo in her vjj, she can virtually not move anymore. She can’t move without the hard metal hurting her, she can’t step off the OBP (it’s not called a “prison” for nothing :)) and her neck is tightly collared.

In the last shot of the clip you can see the struggle of endurance in her watering eyes…

I love her for it, and so should you!

RopeMarks | Marcello Gonzales

Full clip on Club RopeMarks https://clubropemarks.com

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