RopeMarks on TV @ Party Crash – 1 Dec 2002

RopeMarks on TV @ Party Crash – 1 Dec 2002

Duration: 04:32 | Views: 860 | Likes: 0

RopeMarks @ Erotiek Beurs – 30 Nov. – 1 Dec. 2002
RopeMarks on TV @ Party Crash – 1 Dec 2002

This clip is from our first TV performance. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time ever that a shibari / kinbaku style suspension has been shown on national Dutch television.

By invitation of Mrs. Brigitte of Studio Brizi’s we spend an entire weekend on one of the Erotic Fair’s in Holland. We were doing what we do best, bondage heavily inspired by the Japanese style, for 2 whole days.

We were told that on the second day of the erotic fair, somewhere in the afternoon people from PartyCrash (a Dutch television program that “crashes” parties 🙂 would come and film some of the action in our stand. The PartyCrash team didn’t arrive until one hour before closing of the fair. We were all very tired but still wanted to show some shibari / kinbaku style suspension. We decided on a position that’s relatively easy for Chantal.

The quality of the clip is not as good as can be, it has been digitized from a video recording and reduced in size for optimal web-distribution.

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