RTL Boulevard, late editie – 4 Jul. 2017

RTL Boulevard, late editie – 4 Jul. 2017

Duration: 04:35 | Views: 2,791 | Likes: 6

RopeMarks, ft. Spring, on Dutch National Television for RTL Boulevard (late edition).
More here: http://www.ropemarks.com/media/television/

Golden rule s.m, otherwise known as Golden-San, is a Japanese fysiotherapist, who is actively working on more awareness for safer kinbaku. To this end, he released a bondage manual with the aid of Otonawa.

This resulted in a good article about the book on The Daily Beast.

The Daily Beast article was wrongly interpretated by the British media and then the Dutch media, basically, translated the English article into the Dutch language and added some unneccesary, incorrect, non factual and biased information. Here’s the article by the “Algemeen Dagblad” and by “Geen Stijl”.

The bad, and wrong, publication about the many victims-by-kinbaku got the attention of RTL 4, a Dutch television broadcasting network, that decided to make an item of it for their program “RTL Boulevard”. At first the item was going to be about the “freakyness” of the Japanese, but although we were not allowed to talk on the program, our input turned that viewpoint around to a (slightly) better viewpoint (a win is a win).

At best, the whole victims-by-kinbaku story is exagerated by the Japanese media and very much misinterpreted by the Western ones.

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